Investor Cash Flow Projections
Projected investment returns for an investment in a Walnut Orchard
Project Your Long-Term Returns
Even though owning a walnut orchard means living with some uncertainty as to the price and the yields, we’ve prepared 9 different scenarios (download the document below) for investors to project their cash flow and return on investment according to different outcomes with these variables.
Even under suboptimal circumstances a walnut orchard is a profitable investment and when markets turn favorable, there are few investments that can rival a walnut orchard’s returns.
Cash Flow Projection
Neutral Yield - Neutral Price Scenario
Year by Year Projected Cash Flows | |||||||||||
Year | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10+ | 80 |
Opening Cash Balance | 0 | (30,000) | (32,889) | (34,269) | (34,895) | (33,258) | (26,718) | (13,390) | 2,579 | 18,548 | 1,152,320 |
Cash Flows From Operations | 0 | (2,889) | (1,380) | (626) | 1,637 | 6,540 | 13,329 | 15,969 | 15,969 | 15,969 | 15,969 |
Cash Flows From Investments | (30,000) | 120,000 | |||||||||
Ending Cash Balance | (30,000) | (32,889) | (34,269) | (34,895) | (33,258) | (26,718) | (13,390) | 2,579 | 18,548 | 34,516 | 1,288,289 |